
Unleash the Power of Clearer Engineering Tests. Stop sifting through cryptic logs and gain crystal-clear insights into your engineering tests.


Detailed Logging

Throughout the engineering test, a meticulous data logging process captured every vital sign. From these digital breadcrumbs, they will glean insights into performance, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately ensure the success of the design.

Structured Data

Log information in a clear and organized format, making analysis a breeze. Structured data logging is the secret weapon that transforms raw information into a powerful analysis tool. Structured data logging is the key to transforming your engineering tests from data dumps to data discoveries.

Simplified Analysis

Filter and search logs effortlessly, pinpoint issues faster, and identify trends with ease. By focusing on the most relevant information, you will spend less time sifting through logs and more time analyzing results. This leads to faster debugging, clearer insights, and smoother test execution.

detailed test case definition

associated artefacts description